Renaud Chabrier

drawing, movement and animation

From fossils to animals

Those sequences show various means to associate an animal with a drawing of its skeleton and/or an image of the fossil.

Archaeopteryx lived at the end of Jurassic (-156 to -150 millions of years).
You can see here the Berlin fossil getting out of its stone and gliding

Click here to watch the animation of Archeopteryx

Pakicetus is one of the older Cetacean that we know. It lived 50 millions of years ago and could probably look for food underwater. Sorry, the animation cannot be viewed currently (10/01/14)

Click here to watch the animation of Pakicetus



Cynthiacetus, 38 millions of years ago, is clearly adapted to aquatic environment. You can see residual hind limbs at the end of the animation. Sorry, the animation cannot be viewed currently (10/01/14)

Click here to watch the animation of Cynthiacetus



Those animations were created in 2009 for the series of short documentary "Evolution: des clefs pour comprendre"
(Hervé Colombani / Véronique Kleiner, production CNRS Image / Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle)

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