Renaud Chabrier

dessin, mouvement et animation

Books for children


You are free! (french version)      
A novel by Dominique Torrès (Bayard 2009)
Illustrations by Renaud Chabrier for Turkish translation (Can Coçük 2010)

Amsy and his familly are slaves in a Touareg familly in Niger. On one morning, while Amsy his gathering wood for fire, a foreigner proposes to take him to the city where he would live free. Will it be for Amsy an occasion to find again his sister who has been sold. Will his parents be liberated also?...

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Eye of the wolf (l'oeil du Loup)
A novel by Daniel Pennac (Nathan 1984)
Illustrations by Renaud Chabrier for Turkish translation (Can Coçük 2010)

Chaque jour, au zoo, le vieux loup voit un petit garçon le fixer de ses deux yeux grands ouverts. Et ça, le loup ne le supporte pas : il est borgne et ne sait pas quel œil regarder. Mais l'enfant le comprend et ferme un œil. Le voyage peut commencer : dans l'œil du loup, l'enfant va découvrir le Grand Nord et, dans l'œil de l'enfant, le loup verra défiler la vie dans le désert africain.

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Spectacles to see skeletons (french version)
Renaud Chabrier / Gérald Stehr, L'école des loisirs / Archimède 2002, La science se livre award 2004

The mouses in the laboratory have found some spectacles that let you see skeletons ! But the magpie steals them, then a toad looses them in the water... From animals to animals, this book is a funny discovery of living anatomy. 

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This book has just been out of print. Please send me a message to get a pdf copy.
Publishers, this book only exists in french for the moment. Contact me if you are interested in a translation.

The challenges of Leonardo (french version)
Renaud Chabrier / Gérald Stehr, L'école des loisirs 2008

Leonardo's locket has been stolen by other young boys from is village. In order to get it again, he will have to invent all kinds of machines and stratagems. Through those challenges, he will go from the hills of Vinci to the big city, Florence...
This story is pure fiction, but the initiation to Leonard's universe is quite real.

See images of the book

Publishers, this book only exists in french for the moment. Contact me if you are interested in a translation.


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